shuna lydon

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13 April 2009


Thank you so much for this, Shuna! I'm going to London for the first real time (the underground and three train stations hardly count) next weekend, and I can't wait to check sme of these places out!

Oh cool, you live pretty close to where I used to live, I was just off the kingsland road (weymouth terrace) a bit closer to old street than you. Its an interesting neighbourhood, dalston. You're well lucky to be really close to the awesome bagels, great curries and I remember the viet hoi being really good too in that area.

Good times. I miss living in London, but it wasnt sustainable in my case, our landlord gave us very cheap rent but was very strange and I had to give it up in the end.

I hope to visit some of your favourites on my next trip home this autumn.

I'm really missing your insights on the Bay Area happenings!

May I ask what a "mince and tattie" is? :)

Hello Jude, I believe mince here would mean mince made with ground beef & tattie is a nickname for potato. Word-play and phraseology are some of my favorite parts of living in England! Great expressions, and the English have kept a lot of great words Americans have since discarded. ~ Shuna

Sorry chelsea but I am not missing the bay area highlights and simply loving the london ones.
Rome may be home but london is my home home and broadway market my hunting gound, st J my mecca, the H and A my watering hole and the flour station my favorite station after waterloo.
back home home soon to try out loafing.

Broadway market is great. I visit Rob and Tuyen at Cafe VN every week for a couple of Vietnamese coffees. Strong and sweet and guaranteed to get your blood pumping. I spend hours jsut sitting and watching, it's a great way to spend a sunny saturday.

Come along ask ask Rob who I am and I will talk food and Aussie culture with pretty much anyone.

You can admire my dog.

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