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21 April 2009


Is there a Bakers Dozen in London? I'd love to be a part if it exists!

Hello Louise M. Well there is not, but wouldn't that be grand?! I've tried to put the word out on Twitter that I'd like to create a gathering of professional and non-professional baking folks but I haven't gotten a lot of bites... Maybe I'll post a little announcement on eggbeater when the time is ripe. ~ Shuna

Flo gave a very nice chat about the “rules” of the Bakers Dozen when it formed 20 years ago. One of the rules is anyone should be able to start one anywhere, because it is all about sharing. Baking is often an individual pursuit. You may work alone in your kitchen, and there aren’t as many opportunities to meet your fellow bakers or chefs. You should start one and make SF your sister club, even if you start with just a handful of members. I think it would grow pretty damn rapidly.

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