shuna lydon

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« Mystery Fruit: What am I & What do I Taste Like? | Main | shuna. in a dress. »

02 June 2009


Poached over Greek yogurt...simply delicious indeed! I have not had it in a long time but yes, ranks high among my favs!
Gorgeous pictures!

I can't eat them, and they're everywhere here in NZ (I'm allergic) :(

...I bought those fruits before. The store said it was a passionfruit. This is explains so much! Like why it tasted nothing like passionfruits...

MMMMMM...what a lovely ode to this yummie fruit!
Well written!

I just wanted to let you know that I have awarded your blog the 'One Lovely Blog' award!

Please go to

to see how it works.

Don't forget Peter Gordon!

While I know what you're saying here, Jeremy, I have never met or seen the fellow. Nor have I eaten at Providores. Also, He and Anna were partners there, so who's to say she didn't come first on the Tamarillo tip? just sayin' ~ shuna

Wow, I have never heard of these, I really want to try it out. The other fruit that I really want to try is the bread fruit. Neither of these are easy to find in the U.S. though.

I saw these at Borough market yesterday, and after reading your post had to buy some! I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them yet, I want to try one raw and unadulterated. As a nod to it's antipodean origins I'm thinking perhaps a tamarillo pavlova.

deeply scented like a handsome farmer,
"rich in vitamin E but low in carbohydrates,"

Those lines made me smile. Thanks.

Tamarillo are great in savoury dishes too, I often substitute whole peeled tomatoes in recipes, especially curries etc. They're also fantastic in clafoutis.

Sadly they don't grow in the Sth Island of NZ and for some reason they're rather expensive down here this year.

Here are a couple Tamarillo ideas from my blog. I hope you're cool with me sharing them :-)

Bron! These are fantastic links with mouth watering photos! Thank you so much. Great ideas.

The only something I would ask is that you write the HTML to hyperlink your URLs in the comments section here. I wrote How To Create Links In Your Comments a while back for just this purpose. ~ Shuna

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