shuna lydon

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« Neist Point, Isle of Skye - Scotland | Main | underground restaurant above ground menu {ideas} »

09 June 2009


This is true, and beautiful. Thank you.

Thank you for sharing, Shuna... You always have such beautiful things to say.

Wow. Once again your words catch me off guard with your willingness to share such private thoughts. They also catch me in the middle of my heart with the intense emotion so seem to convey so easily. Best to you. Love is indeed grand.




this is so beautiful, thanks so much for posting it!!!

Shuna, this is beauteous.

"you can't fall out of love
love ain't no fuckin' tree."

so true. and so perfect. thank you!

beautiful. love is who we are, not what we do, that is why it is so compelling and so scary at the same time. loving is its own reward, in truth.

This is beautiful and just what I needed to read today (photos are gorgeous, of course, too ...). Merci.

I just felt it is the right thing for me to know about love cos am falling in love with one people neva want me to

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