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07 October 2009


I love Laurie Colwin and baby offset spatulas too...

I love this list. Love it. Love it. Love.
May I ask you, have you eaten much Persian food? with Fatemeh maybe? If you haven't I think you would really like it.

Thank you for this. It really touched me. What a world we share!

Fabulous list...has me thinking of my own. Coney Island? ; )

that's a delicious list for sure...but i think you forgot to add 'woofs' to it

Like the whole as a poem, like the stream of consiousness, will make a note of the details....
My latest ingredient is summer farm butter from the is amazing....

Honey, coffee, and basil... definitely not together.

What a great list! I love it and you, Shuna. Missing you from N. CA!


what do you do with peach leaves?
thanks for the egg white insight.

Hello My Favorite Roger!! So nice to see you 'round the eggbeater parts! peach leaves are amazing for infusions. They emit a subtle almond/noyeaux scent & flavor. But I believe you have to catch them when they're young, and when the tree is fruiting. The stems and leaves should be healthy. Wash and infuse in fruit poaching liquid. You're welcome and I hope to 'see you again.' xo Shuna

I love this whole list - and I REALLY LOVE that Laurie Colwin is on it. What fun!

I want to paint this on my kitchen walls, so beautiful.

I have to say that I second every single thing on this list and yes, I read it all, even the overcooked broccoli. It seems like you are doing well Shuna. Is that so? xx

Simply terrific!! We love that list!! Really fine writing!

Was"overcooked broccoli" a red herring?
Loved the list and agree it would love great written on a wall.

Hello Johanna, No, the overcooked broccoli is just that. Especially the stems-- I might like them more than the florets. Al Dente Broccoli doesn't taste like much to me-- raw is ok, but when it's considered "overcooked" by most people's standards, it's tastiest to me. ~ Shuna

Oh, Shuna...beautiful.

This is my favorite of all your posts. Thanks.

You are a lovely, lovely writer and your posts are so heartfelt that I find myself tremendously moved by many of them and reread them a lot. Thank you.

Well the Italians would certainly agree with you about overcooked broccoli. Cooked until grey with lots of olive oil.

so so lovely .

hello shuna,
lovely list. i have something similar-- a little red moleskin book in which i write anything that speaks to me, things that i love. just looking at the book makes me happy and grateful.
i am in london now, near hampstead heath.

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