shuna lydon

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« Recipes vs. Intuition | Main | plated dessert II - pumpkin_pomegranate »

02 November 2009


And absolutely the most wonderful dessert I have tasted in a very long time, no kidding. Now I keep thinking and wondering about how you made it.

Just the description is pure poetry to my eyes. And the pictures are just so "rich".
Absolutely perfect!


Whoa. I like to think of myself as quite well-informed in the ingredients department but that list is confounding, which makes me want to eat those things all the more!

That is beautiful!

oh those flavor combinations: so umami and satisfying!!!

the list of ingredients sound like the most wonderful magic spell.
Actually, I think this dessert is probably magic.

I love the sound of this. and Hilda I do totally believe you. x

every time i get in a funk you post something like this. its weird. good - but weird. great post lady.

Wow! Sounds exciting. Where can I get one?

That's not dessert!
It's simply pure art - not only does it look like a painting but it reads like poetry...amazing.

you are amazing, shuna! the bay area misses its best pastry chef. when are you going to publish a book of your recipes, poems, and photographs?

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