shuna lydon

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30 December 2009


You are absolutely right: "The only thing we can rely on is change".
Diners in NYC are quite lucky to have you pastry-ing for them!

Happy New Year Shuna!

happy new year welcome back to ny.

I wish you all of the best! I am enjoying your blog and one day hope to taste your confections!

Congratulations on the new gig--10 Downing is wonderful. (When I was in NYC last year, I stayed in a friend's apartment around the corner). Bravo on your new venture. :)

The desserts in the poems sound really good!!!!!!!! Hope your back is better...thai yoga massage is always a good thing as well as feldenkrais(cured me from a 2 year issue that nothing else worked)...

Unbelievable your travels...Happy holidays!

I wrote out 'the only thing you can rely on is change' in my notebook a few months back, it is probably my favourite post from last year. Happy New Year to you you Shuna

I've been in San Francisco 20 years, but I still think of myself as a New Yorker. God, I love the place.

Good luck with the new job, and welcome back stateside!

The strange gravity of New York: it pulls you in, out, up, down, and sideways simultaneously.

But there you are.

Enjoy the city.
Feel better.
Have a wonderful New Year!

A thought on the back...
If you can find a massage person who works specifically with myofascial release and trigger points that could be very helpful. I got hit by a car this year while biking and sprained my wrists, and it got so bad over time I couldn't drive, cook, use the computer, write, etc...Lots of pain. I found a myofascial therapy person who was extremely helpful. It's very targeted massage - not a general massage like a swedish one, but one that works on related muscle systems to resolve pain issues. Highly recommended if you can find someone good. I hope you find something that helps!

Of course I have been here on your beautiful blog before but am rediscovering it and falling in love with it now. Stunning. And I hope you feel better soon. Happy New Year.

Ouch, I hope you feel better soon, that sounds horrible.

It sounds like you've worked so hard for so long that your body is rebelling. I hope you get over it quickly and end up where you need to be.

It was lovely to meet you last year, it would be fantastic to bump into you again. I hope you have opportunities to teach, I'd love to attend. Maybe that will be a good way to work without hurting your back so much....

The only permanent thing in this world is change so we must really be ready to adapt to new environment.

Congratulations!! I can't wait to come to 10 downing and say hello and of course have lots of dessert!! :) I hope you're settling in smoothly.

gr8 :)
how did i miss so much. loving all the desserts and now i got a solid reason to visit Nyc.

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