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« Spicy Gingerbread, Brown Butter-Bacon Vinaigrette, Smuttynose Stout-Honey Reduction & Whipped Lebne | Main | Butterscotch Pot de Creme, Dulce de Leche & Brown Sugar-Cumin Roasted Pecans »

19 January 2010


As an Italian, I recoiled from chocolate sauce being in the same zipcode as panna cotta, but you convinced me. I can only imagine the consistency...and I want to.

True to form, you haven't ignored texture, either, and have the guy who thinks an orange is dessert on his knees wanting to try this. Oh, Shuna.

This is crazy. I'm going to have to try something like this myself - the buckwheat pannacotta is nuts.

Hee. I have 900g of Valrhona 68% I have to use asap because I've had it for way too long (Read: it was in a box meant to leave and then put in storage) and have been steeped in chocolate recipes all night looking for fun things to do with it because I don't want to make molten chocolate cakes (although don't get me wrong, I do love them, even if they're the lowest common denominator of chocolate recipes). 100g went into gluten-free chocolate muffins (for strength through the rest of the chocolate journey) and next is probably chocolate with apricots somehow.
I love this: "Marble granite earth volcanic lava black loam river silt blood deep sea ocean black. Solid. Deep. Inexplicable. Ineffable. Chocolate has more metaphors than love & hate together." And I made the cocoa brownies off of Y's post and they are incredible, thanks Alice Medrich.

We have had this yummy chocolate desert at the great restaurant 10 Downing St in NYC. It is everything that Shuna says it is, and more--a symphony of chocolate, some flavors intense, some subtle, all delightful!

These recent dessert posts of yours are spectacular fun and so much more boldly written and over-the-top than most. I love the way you personify your ingredients, making them into these practically film noire characters. Your chocolate is a force to be reckoned with. P.S. I've been hearing a lot about buckwheat lately for some reason. - recently saw a buckwheat-laced black walnut cookie recipe. It makes perfect sense to me to want it in pannacotta when it works so well with sour cream.

My favorite part was how spectacularly un-sweet it was. But not bitter! For some reason, not very sweet chocolate = bitter to most people, but not you! You know better. It was a delight.

OMG, you had me at the title, before I even saw the photo. Do you make your own feuillitine? Have no idea where to find it. For the holidays I made "Ellie's brownies" from your link & gave them as gifts. Dutch cocoa & orange, walnuts - yum! Could not find Bensdorp, Droste was still good. Now I may have to try Alice Medrich's brownies. Love love love your blog, and your photos.

Sounds quite OTT like most chocolate desserts are. I can't quite bring myself to put chocolate fondant on the menu, even though it will probably sell like... chocolate fondant. Have to make that brownie again some time soon. So, so good.

SK made those cocoa brownies and I came speeding over to find out about the panna cotta recipe. The photo alone is enough to make me pant. Ye Gods.

wow, look at that, I'm already drooling, great color, looks delicious

Thanks for your ideas! I'm going home to make those brownies. I am also thinking of making the fried buckwheat groats and making those little candies. Did you temper the chocolates prior or did you just melt it?

I love the textures you got here. Very nice.

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