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« valentine's day sweet thangs. | Main | Food52 Hones In On Custard Making, with me, at Peels {Pastrylandia} »

26 February 2011



I can attest to the deliciousness of those cumin dusted pecans. They are amazing.

As are all the desserts I have tasted so far.

Congratulations on the piece. Just lovely.

Way to go!

Love this piece! Have been reading your blog for years & working part-time for Edible Chicago, so happy to see your connection w/the Edibles!

Wow - so great! My husband grew up with Rachel. She is awesome.

Hi Shuna,
I love Peels! The place looks so fresh and so inviting. It was also great to view you. I've been reading your blog for about a year (before Peels) and think you're comments are intelligent, insightful and wonderful.
Please keep it up. You have a fan.

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