shuna lydon

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« Food52 Hones In On Custard Making, with me, at Peels {Pastrylandia} | Main | teaching. baking, manners, accountability, cleanliness, efficiency. »

20 March 2011


Love the pictures. Haven't been to NYC in about 9 years. Need to get back. By the way... what is THAT in the last pic?

Love the pictures. Your site is like a hidden gem. I found it while browsing around on Smitten Kitchen and since then I've been reading bits here and there. My eyes were glued open while reading 'Why Do Cakes Sink?', and I said to myself,"You have much to learn..."

I am planning on taking out time tonight to just sit here and read as much of your site as possible. :D

Lovely pics!

Love your photographs. Thanks for sharing.


This was a beautiful post... but what I really came to tell you was that I had one of the chocolate cupcakes with chocolate ganache and toasted marshmallow frosting at Peels today and it was life-alteringly delicious. Changed my mind on marshmallow entirely. Thank you for enhancing an already beautiful Sunday.

Love the pics Shuna. xo-h

I have to ask what you do to your photos (or what camera you use) to get that mellow tone. They're wonderful.

Hi Meg, I am shooting with an iphone application called Hipstamatic that I like very much. It's like having dozens of lenses and kinds of films in one camera and it really reminds me of once owning the cameras/film it re-constructs. thanks for noticing! ~ Shuna

The pictures remind me of my staying there. thanks for sharing.


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