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« StarChefs Sixth Annual International Chefs Congress 2011 NYC {& I won an award! | Main | how to mentor, manage, inspire, push, listen to, grow, promote, share with, challenge and send off cooks. »

23 October 2011


Wow! What a post, I wish I could visit NYC.

Love love love roasted pears... I hope someday I can make it back to NYC for some of these lovely treats. For now, I'm stuck in Buffalo NY making my own fall pastries... I think today is a pie day.

Thanks for keeping up, Shuna!
Peace, Mari

Thank you Shuna, this is EXACTLY what I have been looking for! I will be in NYC for IACP next spring and wanted to go to local hangouts not tourist traps. Now I have your guide to help me!!!

I'm planning a trip to NYC next year and I'll definitely refer to this post. With a plan to visit your bakery, of course. I only wish I could do it before the Serra display closes, but I can't, darnit.

Great post. Thanks!

All I can say is I miss your desserts! Amazing.

sounds delicious, will definitely have to make a trip to your bakery :)

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