shuna lydon

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« Michael Lydon on 'Memories of the 1960's' | Main | nyc sweet eating/dessert news. »

02 October 2011


Congratulations, Shuna! It's well deserved.
I'll see you tomorrow at ICC!

CONGRATS, Shuna! We always knew you were a winner. xox

Holy cow, MAZEL TOV!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, congrats! Sounds like a terrific convention to attend too. Wish I was going.. for mini pies!

This is so exciting, and so well deserved! You are a deep one, Shuna L!

Congratulations! You deserve it!!! Enjoy~

btw, your dessert 3-in-1 reminded me a bit of banoffi/banoffee pie ~ ??

Congratulations, Shuna!!! You deserve it! Enjoy~ (I love that your Rising Stars bio mentions the "strawberries" SF article - love that, too!)

Happy for you! Richly and profoundly deserved. Writing awards cannot be far behind.

Congrats Chef, you have worked hard and really do deserve it

I so love the way you tell a story. I was sitting on the edge of my seat! LOL! CONGRATULATIONS SISTER!


Congratulations!! You deserve this and more! You are such an inspiration and role model. Thank you for doing what you do.


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