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01 December 2011


Amazing. Thanks for that. Absolutely perfect.

working on four diffrent continents, slaving in front of the stoves,sweared at and eating humble pies through out my career, today i am far away of being a good chef but, i am so excited of where i am heading too nevermind the pain,sweat,joy and tears it will bring!!! chefs for life
p.s i will follow you;-)

I really enjoy reading your blog. I am not a cook or a chef. I aspire to be, but may be too old to go for it. If I ever do, you are the kind of chef I'd like to become. You, just from what I read on your blog/twitter, seem to be just what you described - the sharing variety of course :)


Thanks for this piece, solid advice and beautiful sentiment. Your closing comment is key, Sat Bains in Nottingham (UK) said exactly the same in a recent interview, great point.

Tremendous post, Shuna.. and as usual, what you say doesn't need much editing to apply in any walk of life. It doesn't pay to go through life with the stingy, zero-sum, controlling mindset. Just keep giving things away. Amen.

Thank you for this post and the insight you give on the industry. Also thanks for the recommendation, I had the MOST AMAZING mexican scallions from La Superior!

Thank you so much for all of your entries, I loved this a lot. I'm a young cook and I want to one day become a leader and teacher in the kitchen. This is beautiful and inspiring.

This applies to everyone who is a boss, has a boss or wants to be in one of those categories someday. I hope you don't mind if I share your post.

Refreshing! Thank You Chef!

Thanks Shuna, this is gold. Like most of the things you write the lessons are much more widely applicable.

So true.

I stumbled across your blog the other day and ended up spending the entirety of it reading it all. There are times when you always stop and think, "Am I doing the right thing?", and then I read something like this and it re-affirms why I love it. Thanks for keeping the desire alive.

Shuna just Brilliant! I am a young cook and I find your wisdom very truthful, encouraging &inspirational.
I am learning a lot from you. It's making me a better cook. Thank you!

God, I love your writing. I work in a museum and supervise a staff of about 10. What you say about working with staff on this blog - both this post and in other places - just rings so true with me. Thank you!

Thanks,Shuna for this awesome post. U r a great chef. Everyone who want be a chef will like you and your post...

As a mentor, mentee, business owner, and boss (in another industry), I found your post spot on and inspiring. Loved the line, "You have to suit up, show up and shut up."

Very well put. It took me a long time to find my mentor, a sharing chef that made me realize I could do better.

I love this post, ifeel it.. so true, i want to print this out and hand it around the kitchen at work.... Respect!

Thank you Chef. I was recently told about your blog by my Chef Instructor and I am so glad. Your words are inspiring but even more than that, they're not candy coated. Everyday i see people in class that don't understand what it means to work hard. Put on the uniform, show up, and be ready to work and learn, and even then, you are not guaranteed a job. Gotta learn to stand before you can learn to walk. I'm working on it. I'll definitely be keeping up with your blog. Thanks again.

wow thank you so much for this. i actually just got laid off from the financial industry and am making a career change into the restaurant industry at the age of 30. i'm working part-time prepping and working the line. i worked for a few months at a restaurant last year and decided to leave because of the "stagnation". at the new restaurant now and feeling much more inspired and motivated. i feel like i will learn so much from this chef and his team. i've worked only five shifts so far and have already gotten encouragement to pursue this. i feel really lucky to be in this position.

"Do not work for one minute more in a kitchen where you are not learning, not being challenged, not growing." --- THANK YOU.

Well written. Have you read 'Tuesdays with Morrie' btw? Strange that I thought of that one...but it's the ultimate mentoring story.

Your writing has always resonated with me and this piece more so than others as I had just left my Pastry Cook position. Thank you for putting things in perspective.

Shuna, thanks for reminding me why I chose this batshit-crazy path to begin with.

I just recently discovered your writings. I was searching for "how to be a better sous chef" and ran across your article about sous'. I laughed, teared up a bit, and basically felt all the emotions while reading. For me, this speaks volumes.I ahve since read all the pieces on your blog, and would just like to say thank you! In this crazy business we all sometimes lose track of our path, what brought us here, and where we are headed.
I am currently in a very difficult situation as a sous, being called on to defend my chef daily (frankly, many times he doesnt deserve defence, but i do anyway), his actions selfish, his work ethic poor, cleanliness non existent etc etc etc.......i am trying to stay the cpourse and hope it is noticed by the mngmt above, and not just the satff below, but that is tough.
Your words have inspired me to strive to be better.....hold my head high, work the longer hours than he, for half the money. Again thank you......i will share your words with my many friends in this business. I ahve been cooking/cheffing/ kitchendogging for 35 years. I love the biz........

Chefs definitely need more encouragements. TV shows like Hells Kitchen seem to only discourage people from doing what they love (cooking).

I just want to say thank you. Thank you for telling me exactly what I needed to hear. Honestly I have really long way to go but to have a mentor pushing me and guiding me would be awesome. thank you again

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