shuna lydon

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11 April 2012


Very well said! What do you think of pastry chefs that jump to savory and vice versa? Is it then "fair" for them to be the "boss of the pastry chef"?

I'm not a chef, but this is fascinating and totally applies to music and theater work!!!! Well done!!!!

Amazing post, I have seen what you are talking about and always wondered why that was the case. Im glad I read this before work today it was good head change for me to go into work with.

This was so enjoyable to read for someone like me who has not been formally trained but loves learning and reading, even from unlikely places where sometimes you are tempted to say, "what am I actually going to gain from that?" Trying to work in a professional kitchen where different teams have different ideas about what they can take the time to learn and achieve collectively completely terrifies me, and is the main reason I would love a bakery or patisserie job where there seem to be more manageable politics. Roland Mesnier (the old White House pastry chef) wrote in his cookbook that he has learned something new everywhere he has worked, and is still learning. That seems like a common attitude among the greats! :)

very well written and things I do not often think of. I will pay more attention.

so true

After reading your post, I can count myself lucky. I work for a catering company where the Executive Chef is the Pastry Chef and the Sous is the Savory Chef. They both work very well together. My duties cross both sides of the culinary divide. During any given day I could be working on appetizers in the morning, then in the afternoon I could be whipping up a batches of cookies or squares. I would like to believe this will make me a better cook.
I look forward to posts.
Take care.

Shuna can you post your Food52 videos on your website?

Natalie! Thank you so so much for alerting me to the fact that my links to Food52 were broken. Sorry about that! I have contacted them and fixed the post. Check out Food52 Hones In On Custard Making, with me, at Peels {Pastrylandia}. All the links should refer to the 5 videos now. ~ Shuna

Thanks for the interesting views on chefs with different personalities have to learn to co-exist and work together. Always wondered how they manage to get along.

Competition is everywhere. It's just needs to be a healthy competition especially if you are working together.

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