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« pastry chef roles, styles, challenges. part 1 | Main | Pastry Chef at Large. »

16 December 2012


I think that those of us who choose to work at what we are passionate about, come slower to that place where life is looking at you, saying, "Yeah, this is good, but don't you want more?"

I think it helps us give more to our work, too; keeping the imagination lively.

So true and beautifully written!
As a former Professional Chef this describes my early life in hotel kitchens! You were not expected to have a private life.

Awww, pretty words. Yay !!!

xo, Biggles

Oh my. Great post. This has been on my mind a lot lately. The price of personal sacrifice and how to keep the balance. Great, great post....

Such a brilliant, heartfelt post, and frankly true about working in other aspects of the restaurant business too (perhaps even other professions that require a big upfront investment of work). Time, experience, all teaches us that part of the growing process is learning to balance what we *do* with what we *need* to nourish our hearts and souls.

So good to see your entry; as always, worth the wait. I check occasionally, to see if there's anything new, come back anyway, because your writing does require more than three readings, or four. What a nice present for the holidays, and applicable to other fields. I recently found the address of a chef who was friends with my parents, who had a special meal for just my family at his restaurant when my dad died, where we reminisced for hours laughing and crying. It has been twenty-nine years but I'll carry that always. This entry reminds me I need to thank him once more while he's still around, still cooking, in his eighties. One day I'll make it to New York and try your dishes; your writing shows such love and pride and belief in your craft. Thank you again.

so happy to see a new post here!! (found it linked on Inside Scoop/sfgate, btw...) love what you have to say, happy to hear your voice here again. kthln

It's really nice to hear from you after these many months, Shuna! It's funny that I decided to click over here tonight for no apparent reason. Lovely to hear that you've struck a balance between life in and out of the kitchen.

Love this, needed this. Thankyou. Xxx

welcome back

This went into my 'to read' pile so I'm getting to it a bit late.

I always so relate to your posts. You speak with a maturity about the professional kitchen that only time and experience make possible.

Thanks so much for this and enjoy the holiday season.

Powerful post. Thank you.

For a few hours, I have been reading your blog and mulling over what it means to have taken this career path. I am in my in my fourth month of my first restaurant job. And I want to thank you. Your blog presents your readers with the truths of the industry, unabashedly, and rather than scare me, it has assured me.

At 2AM, I find myself alive with excitement thinking about the long hours, the rough (to say the least) personalities, and the failures/embarrassments I will encounter in my coming years. I know I have made this terrifying career change for the right reasons.

So-thank you for sharing your experience.

Another great post with some phenomenol advice. I decided that I didn't want to make some of those hard decisions (already having a family) so decided to stay out of the industry for now and find another way to combine my passion for cooking and a personal life. Best of luck with the d.o.g.

Very true! Thanks, I'm not there yet, as far as balancing everything, but hope to be one day.

I hope everyone reads this post. I just felt the nudge to check your post today starting the New Year. I close my bakery every year between the two major holidays so that everyone can have time with their families and friends. I read everything from you in this post that most chefs and food industry people face daily- how to have balance. Perhaps you post is a wake up call for everyone in the industry- we don't have to do it the way it has been done for 300 years. If we have evolved, use technology and time management we can have friends and family and still make the best food and give great service. on for relationships, food and cooking. You can do it but it takes a lot of effort. Your comments should be part of a commencement speech!

As the ex-wife of a chef, mother of the son said chef abandoned, I very much appreciate this...more than I ever hoped/wanted to.

I chose being human and it meant letting my husband/chef go. It meant listening when my child no longer wanted to participate in trying to maintain a relationship with his father/chef, with no response.

Thank you for writing this down and publishing it!

This is very inspiring not only as being a chef but in any field. You gotta love what you do!

Great post! I have always wanted to open my own restaurant in Ottawa and this article is inspiration for me. Thanks for posting.

I'm a cook, going out with my cdp.. My chef's okay with it as long as it doesn't affect work. I don't know how this will work out..

i feel like i should read this every day, always.

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